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Mining Doc Latest Articles



The term “native metal” refers to metals found in pure or in an alloy that is representative of their natural, elemental state. Although a wide variety of metals can be found in native deposits, only few are resistant to oxidation and weathering.

Because they are highly reactive when exposed to water, light, and other elements of nature, the majority of native metals—including aluminium, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, tin, titanium, tungsten, and zinc—are more likely to occur as small, isolated pockets of reduced ore or as tiny flakes or inclusions. Among the native metals, the least reactive are gold, silver, copper, and platinum.

Because of their increased endurance, native metals have a higher probability of being found in larger deposits. As a result, collectors are drawn to a range of aspects of their availability and occurrence.

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