Blocks of land can move in several different ways relative to each other during an earthquake. This video shows the ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
How can a tsunami be generated by an earthquake? This short animation outlines the process. Animation by Read more
What is nickel? What is so special about this essential metal? Where does it come from? And what is it ...Read more
How do metamorphic rocks form? What are the features of these rocks? Find out more in this short animation. Author: EarthScience ...Read more
The video defines Geology in one minute. Wait until the end to see what geology means to these scientists? What ...Read more
How do clastic sedimentary rocks form? What are the features of these rocks? Find out more in this short animation. Author: ...Read more
The animation shows syncline and anticline folds. What do syncline and anticline tell us? Please share your thought! Source: Eric Hultgren
The video shows the moon rising very close from the earth, moving superfast across the sky and eclipsing the Sun ...Read more
The video shows a 3D mining block model with drill holes. The block model is created using geostatistics and the ...Read more