The multiGaussian approach provides a parametric approach to infer the conditional distribution at unsampled locations. An alternative to that model ...Read more
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The kriging estimate has an associated kriging variance which measures the variance of the error between the estimate and the ...Read more
Barite plays a significant role in high-sulphidation epithermal systems, serving as a key indicator of mineralization and hydrothermal activity. These ...Read more
During the Geologic Map Day on the October, 19th, the USGS presented a geological map of the moon. Created by ...Read more
Predicting the value of a variable at an unsampled location is presented for continuous variables, such as the grade of ...Read more
The notion of spatial continuity is intuitive. We assume that, because nature shows structure in most geological phenomena, things we ...Read more
The statistical exploratory data analysis must be completed by exploring the spatial distribution of the data. In space, stationarity needs ...Read more
Les logiciels informatiques ont transformé notre façon de concevoir les mines. Il existe un large éventail de logiciels commerciaux disponibles ...Read more
Introduction Dans cet essai, nous ne prétendons pas être des experts sur ce qui fait un géologue parfait. Cependant, en examinant ...Read more