This is a great video explaining mineral exploration and mineral resources. Please watch the video to learn more. Video by Ministère ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
First, using drilling survey data, the geometric contours of the deposit are defined, followed by calculations of volume, concentration (metal ...Read more
The video shows a 3D animation of the gold deposit formation. Watch and learn about the formation of a gold ...Read more
Coal is a combustible black or dark brown rock consisting of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits and ...Read more
Introduction Dans cet essai, nous ne prétendons pas être des experts sur ce qui fait un géologue parfait. Cependant, en examinant ...Read more
The video shows the moon rising very close from the earth, moving superfast across the sky and eclipsing the Sun ...Read more
Predicting the value of a variable at an unsampled location is presented for continuous variables, such as the grade of ...Read more
Rock cores are cylindrical samples of rock extracted using a corer during drilling operations in the subsurface. This coring process allows ...Read more
Blocks of land can move in several different ways relative to each other during an earthquake. This video shows the ...Read more