Copper ranks third in the world after iron and aluminum in terms of quantities produced and consumed. We have copper ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
Putting together a clean database, dealing with issues such as duplicate and missing data, are among the first tasks when ...Read more
The multiGaussian approach provides a parametric approach to infer the conditional distribution at unsampled locations. An alternative to that model ...Read more
This is a great educational video explaining the type of exploration processes namely brownfield and greenfield exploration. Find out more ...Read more
Gold deposits are getting harder to find. Since the 1980s, the rate of discovery has decreased dramatically. This means it ...Read more
Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, petroleum, and coal are all important non-renewable resources that come from the formation ...Read more
Les logiciels informatiques ont transformé notre façon de concevoir les mines. Il existe un large éventail de logiciels commerciaux disponibles ...Read more
Check out the video explaining the various processes involved in the formation of metamorphic rock. Gain insights into the fascinating ...Read more
Geophysical analysis and visualization. Examples of 3D resistivity analysis from 2D ground arrays and airborne surveys. Electrical resistivity surveys offer ...Read more
These crystals of calcite and quartz formed as a result of fault creep. While the tension steps in the elongated ...Read more