How do igneous rocks form? What are the features of these rocks? Find out more in this short ...Read more
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The multiGaussian approach provides a parametric approach to infer the conditional distribution at unsampled locations. An alternative to that model ...Read more
These crystals of calcite and quartz formed as a result of fault creep. While the tension steps in the elongated ...Read more
Le levé magnétique consiste à mesurer les propriétés du champ magnétique local d’une région étudiée. Il permet de réaliser une ...Read more
Carat ou Karat ? Le terme carat est utilisé à la fois comme unité de masse – en particulier pour les ...Read more
Nous savons tous que le diamant est une des matières les plus dures, avec une dureté de 10 à l’échelle ...Read more
Rock cores are cylindrical samples of rock extracted using a corer during drilling operations in the subsurface. This coring process allows ...Read more
Geostatistics provides tools to model variables located in space (usually three dimensional) and takes advantage of their spatial structure (continuity) ...Read more