Learn the difference between rocks and minerals in the following video. Remember, minerals make up rocks but rocks don’t make up ...Read more
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The animation shows syncline and anticline folds. What do syncline and anticline tell us? Please share your thought! Source: Eric Hultgren
The hydraulic fracturing technique is used for determining the in-situ rock stress in a plane perpendicular to borehole. This is ...Read more
Carat ou Karat ? Le terme carat est utilisé à la fois comme unité de masse – en particulier pour les ...Read more
Gold deposits are getting harder to find. Since the 1980s, the rate of discovery has decreased dramatically. This means it ...Read more
Les roches métamorphiques se forment à une profondeur de 12 à 16 km sous la surface de la Terre, où ...Read more
Barite plays a significant role in high-sulphidation epithermal systems, serving as a key indicator of mineralization and hydrothermal activity. These ...Read more
How do igneous rocks form? What are the features of these rocks? Find out more in this short ...Read more
This resource is a 3-minute animated clip which combines images, diagrams, graphics and voice-over to explain what is meant by ...Read more
The video defines Geology in one minute. Wait until the end to see what geology means to these scientists? What ...Read more