BHP Mitsubishi Alliance’s (BMA) Caval Ridge Mine in the Bowen Basin now holds the title of the world’s largest electronic ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
Le frittage est un processus qui utilise une forte chaleur et une pression pour créer une masse solide de matériau ...Read more
Dans les mines et les carrières, l’objectif principal est d’extraire la plus grande quantité possible au moindre coût. Le matériau ...Read more
This week we are glad to share blasting video series in various surface operations. Please share your ...Read more
The XCMG XDE4000 is a large hydraulic excavator designed for heavy-duty mining and construction applications. The informations below are the ...Read more
This week we are glad to share series of blasting videos in various surface operations. Please share your thought on the ...Read more
Backbreak is the unintended fracturing or damage to the rock mass behind the final row of drill holes after a ...Read more
This is a cool blasting video showing an initiation of a blast in an Open pit in a form of ...Read more
Introduction Les dispositifs d’amorçage sont essentiels aux opérations de dynamitage car ils fournissent l’énergie initiale nécessaire pour déclencher les explosifs. Ces ...Read more
Watch the Antraquip AQ-6 cutter on CAT390 in action and please share your thoughts. The cutter head achieved over 500t per ...Read more