The video shows a blast in an Open pit operations, please watch a video and share your thoughts on this ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
Dans les mines et les carrières, l’objectif principal est d’extraire la plus grande quantité possible au moindre coût. Le matériau ...Read more
Wet weather can have a significant impact on mining productivity due to the formation of slippery conditions on haul roads. ...Read more
This conveyor system transports crushed copper from underground storage bins to the surface along a 7 km underground tunnel that ...Read more
Share your thought on this blast! What strategies could be used to minimize flyrock hazards! #blast #blasting #flyrockgeneration
The inclination of drill holes in blasting operations can have a significant effect on the fragmentation of the rock mass. ...Read more
Before mining begins in a new area, the topsoil is removed for later use in the final stage of reclaiming ...Read more
Le forage RC fournit des cuttings virtuellement non contaminés au cyclone. Comme les cuttings circulent directement du trépan à travers ...Read more
Dans les mines, vous ne verrez jamais de ligne droite en ce qui concerne le trajet de transport des minerais. Cette ...Read more
The video shows an overburden blast in an Open pit mine. The high speed camera allows us to see how ...Read more