Mining operations involve a complex and multidimensional process. Among its essential stages are blasting, loading and transportation, crushing, and finally, ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
Water resistance is the ability of an explosive to withstand exposure to water without it suffering detrimental effects in performance. ...Read more
Introduction The world of innovation in the mining industry has been influenced in recent years by the advent of a number ...Read more
The flammability of an explosive is defined as the characteristic which deals with the ease of initiation from spark, fire ...Read more
Sensitiveness is the characteristic of an explosive which defines its ability to propagate through the entire length of the column ...Read more
Rail system for mines.
RULE 1: The distance between holes (spacing) should not be greater than one-half the depth of the borehole. When the ...Read more
Blasting techniques have been developed to control overbreak at excavation limits. The operator must decide the ultimate purpose of the ...Read more
One crucial factor in the explosives industry is the velocity of detonation (VoD), which establishes how quickly a detonation wave ...Read more
Definition Mechanized scaling in underground mining involves the use of specialized equipment, such as hydraulic or mechanical scaling machines, to remove ...Read more