The video shows Exyn’s advanced Autonomous Aerial Robot (A3R) navigating a subterranean tunnel for a research project. Author: Exyn Technologies
Mining Doc Latest Posts
The video shows a demonstration of Virtual reality applied to an Open pit mining operations. Author: Image Maker. Link to the site: ...Read more
The video shows basic steps for offline chip sampling using Deswik software. Author: Deswik.
Machine learning has been used in mobile fleet maintenance across many operations to minimize unplanned downtime, reduce overall maintenance costs ...Read more
This a great illustration of modelling and analyzing rock falls in 3D using RocFall3 which is part of th Rocscience ...Read more
HAULSIM connects the fleet assets, mining operational plans and the people to build a ‘digital twin’ of any mining operation ...Read more
In underground operations, the case for Automation is becoming more apparent as mines go deeper and ore bodies become more ...Read more
Simulation of a ball mill grinding process with structural analysis to reduce wear on mill liners. The built-in FEA module ...Read more
This video shows different particle size distributions (PSD) and their effects on wear and structural loads. Author: BECKER 3D – ...Read more
The short video shows the journey that Joy had taken to innovate the shuttle car which is now commonly used ...Read more