This is a great animation showing an illustration of live beacon movement in an underground mine. The beacon allows professionals ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
This example shows a complete data set including surface, shaft and underground workings. Source: Darling Geomatics
Practicing mine design in the virtual world provides a fast and fail-friendly environment to learn about the impacts of mine ...Read more
Neuvition Titan LiDAR measurement solution was used in this example to measure a more accurate real-time volume. Thanks to technology ...Read more
The animation shows benefits of using Orica’s wireless blasting technology in an Underground Mining environment. Animation by Orica.
Geo4Sight is an in-ground wireless monitoring IoT platform that by detecting angular movement, pore pressure and temperature reveals subsurface activities ...Read more
The video shows a demo of the Hovermap technology in an Underground mine. Enjoy the view. Source: Read more
Interesting animation showing a simulation of a blasting sequence using AEGIS Analyzer. Author: AEGIS
This video shows a simulation of a gas explosion occurring. It presents the explosion overpressures through different colours. This simulation ...Read more
The video is an existing Underground mine in Canada. The LiDar scan was used to visualize an old working mining ...Read more