The video shows a demonstration of Virtual reality applied to an Open pit mining operations. Author: Image Maker. Link to the site: ...Read more
Mining Doc Latest Posts
The Avatel™ is a first-of-its-kind, semi-automated explosives delivery system that is equipped with a comprehensive suite of advanced technologies to ...Read more
Dive into the future of mining with the immersive virtual reality experience, exploring innovative solutions for waste rock and tailings ...Read more
These drones are boldly going where no drone has gone before – deep underground. More companies are looking at ways ...Read more
Spot robot was brought to the Edgar experimental mine to test its built-in perception and navigation capabilities on August 26, ...Read more
The animation shows benefits of using Orica’s wireless blasting technology in an Underground Mining environment. Animation by Orica.
In underground operations, the case for Automation is becoming more apparent as mines go deeper and ore bodies become more ...Read more
This is a cool video showing ring blasting and animation of break animation using AEGIS blasting software. Author: iRing
TruckMetrics™ is a particle size analysis and boulder detection solution for your haul truck fleet that does not interrupt production. ...Read more
Practicing mine design in the virtual world provides a fast and fail-friendly environment to learn about the impacts of mine ...Read more