Blast movement monitoring is a technology used in Open pit blasting, where high-tech sensor balls are loaded into drill holes ...Read more
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Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they ...Read more
Interesting animation showing a simulation of a blasting sequence using AEGIS Analyzer. Author: AEGIS
This example shows a complete data set including surface, shaft and underground workings. Source: Darling Geomatics
For a long time, the extraction of the earth’s valuable minerals has relied heavily on two types of ...Read more
Ventsim™ is an underground mine ventilation simulation software package designed to model and simulate ventilation, airflows, pressures, heat, gases, financials, ...Read more
The video shows an autonomous drone which provide a safe, efficient way to explore otherwise inaccessible areas such as a ...Read more
The video shows a scan using a LiDar technology for a railway that is 500m long. Author: Emesent
These drones are boldly going where no drone has gone before – deep underground. More companies are looking at ways ...Read more
Finding new deposits to mine is getting increasingly difficult. To combat this problem, mining companies are looking towards artificial intelligence ...Read more