The duty on mine ventilation shafts is usually either intake or exhaust; it is unusual to split the shaft vertically ...Read more
Tag: Mine Ventilation
Mine Ventilation
Explore the essential aspects of mine ventilation systems with our comprehensive guide. Learn about the pivotal role ventilation plays in maintaining safe and efficient mining operations.
Mining Doc Latest Posts
The underground metalliferous mining industry continues to change under the influence of many factors including, to name a few, new ...Read more
Faced with the need to improve workplace conditions in both its development and production headings in its existing K1 orebody, ...Read more
The risk from fire remains one of the most serious of underground mine disaster scenarios. The impacts of mine fires ...Read more
There have been many single and multiple fatalities over generations of underground mining due to workers being gassed by toxic ...Read more
Fire has historically being the biggest single cause of underground hardrock mining disasters and traditional primary ventilation systems and practices ...Read more
The Australian mining industry has changed dramatically over the past 20 years in terms of mining methods, mining equipment and ...Read more
The correct specification and then selection of primary or major fans for an underground mine is a critical decision not ...Read more
In most underground mines, the ventilation system is a significant portion of the total mine capital and operating cost and ...Read more
A common problem for many mines is insufficient total primary airflow or insufficient airflow in the correct places as the ...Read more