Using WebGen™ 100 wireless technology, Orica presented the possibility of recovering 255 BL1 12300 island [rib] pillar minimizing people’s exposure and allowing the mine to improve operational productivity safely and efficiently by keeping two mucking accesses to the main stope.
The pillar was preloaded with WebGenTM 100 wireless detonators before losing the access to the upper leveldue to the blast events on the main 255 BL1 12300 ore stope. After the ore from the block was extracted and the pillar had completed its requirement to provide regional stability and dilution control, the island [rib] pillar was remotely initiated.
Author: Wesley Andrade and Francisco Biulchi (Orica), Mateus Ribeiro, Celso Lima and Fabricio Santos (Nexa)
Link to download.
200751_Case Study_Pillar recovery with WebGen_ 100 wireless technology_Brazil_English_External